Moose Hunt Podcast

Episode 30- Bulls That Got Away & Appreciating Your Support System

Christopher Richards Season 2 Episode 4

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Episode 30 host Chris Richards has a discussion with team member Erik Poland for the 2nd in our 5 episodes in 5 days series. 

The pair discuss stories of bulls that got away and some hard lessons learned through trial and error that we hope our listeners can learn from. The pair then take a moment to share an important message, appreciate and thank your support system at home. As hunters we have people that manage things at home so we can go away and pursue our dreams and passions- we all need to ensure we recognize them and let them know how thankful we are. 

Tune in for some great moose stories, important lessons and a powerful reminder that the people in your life that support your goals and pursuits are some of God's greatest blessings. 

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